Being an Apprentice at St Mungo's Broadway

Being an Apprentice at St Mungo's Broadway

In this film Kenzey and Jamie talk about their experiences as Apprentices at St Mungo's Broadway and what they have learned.

Hear from other Apprentices

"I have learnt that I have a passion for this work due to my own life experience; also I'm very approachable and have a great rapport with the clients which I think is due to the clients being able to sniff out that I have real empathy and understanding of being in their shoes."  Read more.

"It was very challenging, physically and emotionally but what I really enjoyed was seeing people taking those small steps on their journey. I'd done other jobs before but this was the first time I'd done a job that I really loved." Read Serena's Story

After completing his Apprenticeship, Alan was determined to continue helping other people. He applied for a full time position and was successful in landing his dream job. Read Alan's Story
Esther applied for a place on the Apprenticeship Scheme and that October started her one year contract as an Apprentice project worker at a hostel in Brent. The following month she moved into her own flat. Read Esther's Story 

To find out more about St Mungo's Broadway Apprenticeship Scheme, click here.