What to do if you are rough sleeping

If you are currently rough sleeping in London, Bristol or Reading, where St Mungo's Broadway has outreach services, you can email [email protected] and our outreach teams will be able to help or refer you on to your local outreach service. Or tell us about someone rough sleeping via our Street Concern website and referral form.

There is now a national referral service called StreetLink. The number is 0300 500 0914 - calls are charged at local rate for landlines and mobiles. This is not managed by St Mungo's Broadway but our Street Concern team work closely with StreetLink, and other agencies, depending on someone's location and relevant services in that area.

If you are street homeless in London you must first have an assessment with a street outreach team or someone at a day centre, as most accommodation can only be accessed through a referral from an agency.

What to do if you are in housing crisis

If you fear you're about to become homeless, there are organisations who can give advice and support:

  • Your first stop should be your local council's housing department. Contact details for the relevant department of most London boroughs can be found on the Homeless Link website.
  • Citizens Advice Bureau
  • Shelter Line - Shelter's free phone national housing advice line on 0808 800 44 44

Finding an affordable place to live in London is very difficult. If you are currently in accommodation it is best to do everything possible to keep it.

There are support services available that can advise you on how to keep hold of your current accommodation. Find details of these and other services for homeless people in London.

If you are outside of London, we recommend you do not come to the capital but seek support through your local Housing Options council teams, or other local agencies.

Information in other languages

The Citizens Advice Bureau has factsheets on different topics, including employment and benefits, in a range of languages, including Polish, Czech, Chinese, Punjabi and Gujerati. 

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