Welcome to the St Mungo's Broadway's news page

St Mungo's Broadway press office is happy to help arrange interviews with spokespeople, provide images and offer comments on homelessness issues, where possible.

Judith Higgin, Media and Communications Manager, on 020 8762 5645 or [email protected]

Gemma Hollingshead, Media Coordinator, on 020 8762 5570 or [email protected]

Alternatively, email [email protected]

For urgent, out of hours calls, please contact 07713 266617.

For facts, figures, and our views - latest statistics and our views on topics around homelessness.

Press release alerts - want to receive our press releases as soon as they're issued? Send your name, organisation, telephone and email address details to [email protected] and we'll keep you updated with the latest news.

In the news
Read about our women’s campaign in The Independent
Our Recovery College on BBC Education News and on BBC London News
Read about our fundraising screening with Richard Curtis in the Evening Standard
Action Week rough sleeping campaign #NoMore in The Metro

Most recent press releases:

Press Office - see our latest press releases and contact the Press Office on +44 (0)208 762 5570 (office hours), +44 (0)7713 266 617 (out of office hours) or email [email protected]

Facts, figures, and our views - latest statistics and our views on topics around homelessness

Read some Real life stories from our clients

Influencing policy - we work across Westminster, Whitehall, the London Assembly and local government to affect the national, regional and local policies which impact on homeless people.

Are you a student journalist, photographer or documentary maker?
We always appreciate hearing from people keen to write, film, or photograph about the issues homeless people face. Your concern is much appreciated and thank you for your desire to help. We do, however, receive a lot of these requests and are not able to help everyone. Please do consider supporting our clients and our work in other ways, however - through volunteering your film or photographic skills or donating online.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.