Emergency: helping people find a way out of homelessness.
We support people in urgent need, helping them off the streets and into accommodation. We manage referral systems such as the national StreetLink line and Street Concern so that members of the public can tell us if they are concerned about someone sleeping rough, and we can connect those people to local services. Of course, this emergency work is fundamental - but it is only the first step.
Recovery: helping people leave homelessness behind forever
We use the best skills and resources we can provide to work with our clients, respecting their experience, valuing their qualities, and believing in their aspirations, in order that they find practical, lasting and real ways to achieve their potential.
Prevention: helping people not to fall into homelessness in the first place
This is a vital part of our work. Many people at risk of homelessness have damaged and chaotic lives, and may come from difficult backgrounds. We work with a variety of people, from former rough sleepers in their new homes, to ex-offenders with mental health problems, to people who beg - to make positive changes in their lives. We also offer high support housing to nearly 400 men and women who could so easily end up sleeping rough, ensuring they have a safe and supportive place from which to go forward.
We recognise not just the importance of housing, but also, crucially, of health, including mental health and substance misuse treatment, as well as skills and work.